Climate Smart Agriculture Youth Network

CATEGORY: Government/Research
SCALE: Community
LOCATION: Baringo South

Summary of Actions

  • Re-introduction of indigenous vegetables among households
  • Re-introduction of indigenous cereals among households
  • Pasture establishment, production and harvesting
  • Introduction of better livestock breeds (E.g. Saiwal and Zebu cattle, and Galla goats)
  • Restoration of degraded lands using drought-tolerant and multi-purpose tree species e.g. Neem tree, Senna siamea, Leuceana, Aloes, etc
  • Riparian lands restoration using sisal, palm, vetiver, fruit trees, etc
  • Enhancement of Beekeeping enterprises emphasizing the value chain approach
  • Enhancement of nature-based ecotourism and community wildlife conservancies


The choice of this project site (Lake Bogoria Landscape) is informed by the fact that it has witnessed massive land degradation and devastating effects of climate change. The area has experienced extreme droughts and flooding in equal measure thus distablilising livelihoods in the area. The Lake Bogoria Landscape is also home to many endemic and vulnerable wildlife species and hosts the famous Lake Bogoria that is an important bird area, Ramsar Site and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The project site is also characterized by unsustainable land use practices including charcoal burning, deforestation, inappropriate application and use of fertilizers and pesticides.


  • To enhance biodiversity conservation and livelihoods in the Lake Bogoria Landscape
  • To reduce soil erosion and restore degraded lands within the Lake Bogoria Landscape

Participation in key climate & agriculture networks

Global Environment Facility/Small Grants Programme, County Government of Baringo. Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization, Kenya Forest Service, Kenya Forest Research Institute, Kenya Wildlife Service, Northern Range Trust, Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association

Key Interventions

Soil management Over 500
  • Reduced soil erosion
  • Improved vegetation cover
  • Improved crop yields
  • Improved moisture
Agroforestry  Over 500
  • enhanced tree cover
  • variety of trees
  • reduced deforestation
Promotion of drought
tolerant crops
increased adoption of indigenous vegetables and crops (cereals, vegetables)
improved yields from farms containing the above-listed crops and vegetables
Livestock feed
Over 500 reduced conflicts over pastures
improved beef and goat meat production
improved livestock health
Climate smart livestock
Over 500 improved vegetation cover
reduced livestock numbers
adoption of improved livestock breeds
Smart water
Over 500 availability of quality and ample amounts of water
even distribution of water
improved and adequate access to water and sanitation
Disease and pest
Over 500 adoption of integrated pest management practices reduced use of fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals used in treating animals
Waste management Over 500 adoption of the reduce, reuse and recycle approaches in water management better consumption patterns adoption of resource-efficient technologies
Renewable energy Over 500 adoption of renewable energy sources
investment in research and development of renewable energy sources
Gender (Youth and Women inclusion in CSA) Youth and women – increased participation of the youth, women and persons with disability in economic development including CSA projects application of the constitution of Kenya with respect to the one third gender rule in appointive and elective positions in leadership number of youth, women and persons with disability in leadership positions of various organizations and government sectors
Policy and Advocacy number of youth, women and persons with disability participating in economic development including CSA projects the impact of such policies on the lives of communities including
the youth, women and persons with disability in economic development including CSA projects
CSA based access to markets and value chains number of youth, women and persons with disability participating in economic development including CSA projects variety of products available in the market number of people and/or institutions participating in the CSAbased products in a value chain approach


Involvement in CSA

Relevance of CSA MSP to Work

  • Research
  • Knowledge dissemination
  • Coordination and networking
  • Technology transfer
  • Information on CSA
  • Networking
  • Learning and exchange
  • Reporting and showcasing
  • Developing new business
  • Influencing policy environment

Lessons learned and challenges in implementation of CSA project

With the successful completion of the first phase of the set targets for most of the GEF/SGP projects within
the Lake Bogoria LAndscape, a lot can be drawn from these grantees and thus considered as lessons for
application in phase two of the projects as well as other communities and other groups can use them for
the continuation of successful implementation of other projects. The lessons include;

  • For smooth and quick execution of activities in a group or organization, the grantees realized that division of labor or otherwise delegation of duties across the members is key. This ensures uniform and active participation by all members which instils a sense of belonging to them.
    When everybody is tasked and you create an environment of early reporting, you bring about accountability and finally trust will top it up. This is a system that has proved to be effective for nearly all the groups that we have worked with.
  • When making a budget, it is important to include miscellaneous which would cater for other things that might come up like the publicity and knowledge management products including banners, fliers, brochures, etc. Most grantees were unaware thereby forcing them to adjust the budget to accommodate such important activities.
  • It is also important to consult regularly as the project is being implemented. The grantees learnt that regular consultations with the Strategic Partner as well as the County Government experts and collaboratos provided information that enabled the grantees to make timely and concrete decisions.
  • The grantees have also proven that women can achieve a lot with the support of men and other stakeholders. Despite being women groups, some of the grantees (with women only membership) made a deliberate effort to involve men in the implementation of the project activities.
  • There were shortages in leadership and financial skills and thus most grantees were unable to do narrative and financial reports to the expectation of the funding agency.
  • There were constant squables among leaders of some of the groups thus delaying project implementation
    Some of the projects were not properly conceived and thus complications and delays in implementation
  • We had difficulties in getting some of the grantees to address environmental issues using a value-chain approach.

Contact address in case of follow up

  • Contact Person: Prof. George Morara Ogendi, PhD