Veronica Nzilani Ndetu is the coordinator the climate Change unit of the MOALFC one of the members behind the establishment and the running of the of the CSA multi stakeholder platform (MSP). Given her position in the climate Change issues in the Ministry she plays the role of coordination of the MSP. She has worked in the Ministry of Agriculture for a long time and has a wealth of experience in areas of agricultural and climate change.
Veronica has been involved in implementation of a number of climate related projects that include the GOK-GIZ Adaptation to climate Change and Insurance (ACCI), GoK-FAO Integration of Agriculture into the National Adaptation Plan (NAP-Ag), and the GCF-GOK-FAO NAP-Readiness “Enhancing capacity for planning and effective implementation of climate change adaptation in Kenya”.
Veronica is in the forefront in development and implementation of the climate smart agriculture strategy and implementation framework. Through establishment of networks and partnerships with a wide range of stakeholders she has been able to build technical capacity of many stakeholders in state and no-state agencies at national, county and even the farm level on climate change and climate smart agriculture.
Veronica holds a Bachelors Degree in Agriculture from the University of Nairobi and a masters degree in Seed Science and Technology from the University of Eldoret.