Martin is the Program Manager, Policy Dialogue at Biovision. He joined the Policy & Advocacy Team at Biovision in 2015 and co-implemented the “Changing Course in Global Agriculture” program by promoting evidence based policy planning, agroecology and multi-stakeholder platforms at the CFS in Rome as well as on ministerial level in Kenya. In the “A4A” Project, Martin is assessing the potential of agroecology to hedge against climate change impacts. He is furthermore involved in the promotion and dissemination of agroecology policies and strategies at national and county levels in Kenya. Before joining Biovision, Martin has worked as senior project leader in consulting at the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment among other actors on climate policies and mechanisms. Before this, he was acting as sustainability analyst in the financial sector, research assistant at ETH Zurich and worked for Greenpeace Switzerland, amongst others. Following a first degree in Geography, Environmental Systems and Political Sciences (University of Zurich; ETH Zurich), Martin chose to specialize with a MSc. in Environmental Policy focusing on climate change and environmental governance (Oxford University).