Joab Josiah Langi Osumba is a Research Officer on Climate Smart Agriculture Policy with the CGIAR Research Programme on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security in East Africa (CCAFS EA), based at The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Nairobi. Joab has been in climate policy space since 2009, through wide-ranging high-level engagements in environmental risk management, climate change, climate smart agriculture, loss and damage, and food security, from grassroots technical interventions to national policy dialogues. In 2012-2013 Joab contributed to UNFCCC-COP negotiations and expert group meetings on Agriculture and on Loss and Damage in and is currently a member of the AGN Expert Support (AGNES) Group. Joab has worked in and/or been a climate change consultant for Government of Kenya, World Bank, RTI, GIZ, FAO, DAI/DFID, and SIDA, among others. Joab has worked very closely for & with the government agencies, development partners, development actors/civil society and private sector in of Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. He has led &/or participated in several assignments, consultancies & missions on agricultural development, environmental risk management/natural resource management & climate change adaptation/climate-smart agriculture. Joab has a strong working knowledge of climate finance & climate-risk insurance. Lastly, Joab holds a BSc in Agriculture, a Post Graduate Diploma in Agricultural Education, a Master of Philosophy in Environmental Science, and a Certificate in Environmental Management (Impact Assessment and Audit).